Project code:CB005.2.12.011
Project call:CB005.2
Priority axis / Specific objective:1.2. Improving the capacity for nature protection, sustainable use and management of common natural resources through cooperation initiatives in the cross-border area
Type of project:Investment
Project duration in months:15
Project final contract amount:376921.37 €
Project EU co-financing rate:85.00 %
Project start date:20.07.2020
Project end date:20.07.2021
Project intervention field:085 Protection and enhancement of biodiversity, nature protection and green infrastructure
Project summary:

The overall goal of the project is to contribute to strengthening the capacity for cross-border cooperation between Bulgaria and Turkey in the field of environmental protection.
The specific objectives of the project are to promote separate waste collection in Edirne and Aytos, and to raise young people's awareness of environmental protection and coastal areas in Edirne and Aytos.
Green waste collection equipment will be delivered for the purposes of the project. A survey of environmental attitudes among students on both sides will be conducted. The results will be presented during an information event and a final conference.
As a result of the project implementation, an efficient recycling service will be provided in the villages near Edirne, and the biomass accumulated by the green systems on the territory of Aytos municipality will be used. Students will be made more aware of the importance of the environment and the protection of natural resources, as well as their motivation for the protection of the environment and coastal areas.


Leading partner
Edirne Special Provincial Administration
Aytos Municipality