Public Tenders

Tender Procedure for „Design, printing and delivery of information and visibility materials” for the purposes of Project No.CB005.3.12.001 „Cross-border Regions Collaborate for Blue Growth (Blue Growth Collabs)“, Edirne, R. Turkey


Tender Procedure for „Design, printing and delivery of information and visibility materials” for the purposes of Project No.CB005.3.12.001 „Cross-border Regions Collaborate for Blue Growth (Blue Growth Collabs)“, Edirne, R. Turkey

Reference № CB005.3.12.001 – PP2– Service 5

Trakya University, Edirne intends to award a service contract for Design, printing and delivery of information and visibility materials with financial assistance of the Interreg-IPA CBC Programme Bulgaria – Turkey 2014-2020.  

Tender Procedure for „Organisation of events in Edirne“ under Project CB005.3.12.001 „Cross-border Regions Collaborate for Blue Growth (Blue Growth Collabs)“, Edirne, R. Turkey


Tender Procedure for „Organisation of events in Edirne“ under Project CB005.3.12.001 „Cross-border Regions Collaborate for Blue Growth (Blue Growth Collabs)“, Edirne, Republic of Turkey

Reference № CB005.3.12.001 – PP2– Service 4

Trakya University, Edirne intends to award a service contract for Organisation of events in Edirne with financial assistance of the Interreg-IPA CBC Programme Bulgaria – Turkey 2014-2020.  

Contract Award Notice for “ Supply of equipment – Dump truck” within project CB005.2.12.011 “Upgraded protection of environment in Edirne and Aytos”


Supplies Contract Award Notice for “Supply of equipment – Dump truck” within project CB005.2.12.011 “Upgraded protection of environment in Edirne and Aytos”

Aytos Municipality, Bulgaria announced Supplies Contract Award Notice for “Supply of equipment – dump truck” within project №CB005.2.12.011 „Upgraded protection of environment in Edirne and Aytos“.

Publication reference: CB005.2.12.011 – 30/08/2021

Tender Procedure for „Supply of a Workstation Computer“ within Project CB005.3.12.001 „Cross-border Regions Collaborate for Blue Growth (Blue Growth Collabs)“, Edirne, R. Turkey


Tender Procedure for „Supply of a Workstation Computer“ within Project CB005.3.12.001 „Cross-border Regions Collaborate for Blue Growth (Blue Growth Collabs)“, Edirne, R. Turkey

Reference № CB005.3.12.001 – PP2 – Supply 3

Trakya University, Edirne intends to award a supply contract for a Workstation Computer with financial assistance of the Interreg-IPA CBC Programme Bulgaria – Turkey 2014-2020.  

CANCELLATION of Supply tender procedure for “Supply of ITC equipment for the purposes and functioning of the scientific laboratories of the BLUE GROWTH Research centre at “Prof. D-r Asen Zlatarov” University of Burgas” within project CB005.3.12.001


Cancellation of Supply tender procedure for “Supply of ITC equipment for the purposes and functioning of the scientific laboratories of the BLUE GROWTH Research centre at “Prof. D-r Asen Zlatarov” University of Burgas” within project CB005.3.12.001 „Cross-border Regions Collaborate for Blue Growth (Blue Growth Collabs)“

Publication reference: CB005.3.12.001 - LP – Supply 5

Tender procedure for “Supply of Bicycles” within project CB005.2.21.080 “Cycling routes in Kirklareli and Tsarevo”, Kirklareli, R. Turkey


Tender procedure for “Supply of Bicycles” within project CB005.2.21.080 “Cycling routes in Kirklareli and Tsarevo”, Kirklareli, R. Turkey

Kırklareli Special Provincial Administration intends to award a supply contract for “Supply of Bicycles” for the purposes of project CB005.2.21.080 - “Cycling routes in Kirklareli and Tsarevo” with the financial assistance from the Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria-Turkey Programme CCI No. 2014TC16I5CB005.

Publication reference: CB005.2.21.080-LP-SUPPLY-02

CANCELLATION of Supply tender procedure for “Supply of Workstation for the purposes and functioning of the scientific laboratories of the BLUE GROWTH Research center at Trakya University” within project CB005.3.12.001


Cancellation of Supply tender procedure for “Supply of Workstation for the purposes and functioning of the scientific laboratories of the BLUE GROWTH Research center at Trakya University” within project CB005.3.12.001 „Cross-border Regions Collaborate for Blue Growth (Blue Growth Collabs)“

Publication reference: CB005.3.12.001 – PP2 – Supply 3


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