Public Tenders

Tender procedure for Supply for “Elaboration of advertising materials” in Kirklareli, Turkey within project CB005.2.21.092


Tender procedure for Supply for “Elaboration of advertising materials” in Kirklareli, Turkey within project CB005.2.21.092

Publication reference: CB005.2.21.092-PP2- Supply-01


Kırklareli Special Provincial Administration, Turkey is launching a tender procedure for Supply for "Elaboration of advertising materials" with financial assistance from the Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria - Turkey Programme, CCI No.2014TC16I5CB005. The tender procedure is under the implementation of the project “Roads to the heritage”, CB005.2.21.092.

Works tender procedure for “Construction works for pedestrian access to the Old Bridge tourist site and elements of the urban environment for development of recreation and tourism for LP” within project CB005.2.21.081


Works tender procedure for “Construction works for pedestrian access to the Old Bridge tourist site and elements of the urban environment for development of recreation and tourism for LP” within project CB005.2.21.081 “PathwaYs of bOrderless cUlTure and History-YOUTH”

Publication reference: CB005.2.21.081 – LP – Works 1

Supply tender procedure for “Elaboration of advertising materials” within project CB005.2.21.080 “Cycling routes in Kirklareli and Tsarevo”


Supply tender procedure for “Elaboration of advertising materials” within project CB005.2.21.080 “Cycling routes in Kirklareli and Tsarevo”

Publication reference: CB005.2.21.080-LP-Supply-01

Kırklareli Special Provincial Administration intends to award a supply contract for “Elaboration of advertising materials” within project CB005.2.21.080 “Cycling routes in Kirklareli and Tsarevo” with financial assistance from the INTERREG-IPA Cross–Border Cooperation Bulgaria-Turkey Programme 2014-2020.

Works tender procedure for “Small scale construction” in Müsellim, Vize, Kirklareli within project CB005.2.21.080 “Cycling routes in Kirklareli and Tsarevo”


Works tender procedure for “Small scale construction” in Müsellim, Vize, Kirklareli within project CB005.2.21.080 “Cycling routes in Kirklareli and Tsarevo”

Publication reference: CB005.2.21.080-LP-Works 1

Kırklareli Special Provincial Administration intends to award a work contract for “Small scale construction” in Müsellim, Vize, Kirklareli within project CB005.2.21.080 “Cycling routes in Kirklareli and Tsarevo” with financial assistance from the INTERREG-IPA Cross–Border Cooperation Bulgaria-Turkey Programme 2014-2020.

Cancellation of Simplified tender “Engineering (investment technical design and supervision, construction works) for refurbishment of the premises of: Water pollution monitoring Lab, Aquatic ecosystem Lab, Aquaculture and biotechnology Lab at the existing


Cancellation of Simplified tender “Engineering (investment technical design and supervision, construction works) for refurbishment of the premises of: Water pollution monitoring Lab, Aquatic ecosystem Lab, Aquaculture and biotechnology Lab at the existing buildings of "Prof. D-r Asen Zlatarov" University of Burgas under "Cross-border regions Collaborate for BLUE GROWTH" (BLUE GROWTH COLLABs) project"

Ref. No CB005.3.12.001 - LP – Works 1

Simplified tender procedure for “Elaboration of environmental assessment reports for INTERREG - IPA CB cooperation programmes 2021 – 2027 between the Republic of Bulgaria and respectively ....


Simplified tender procedure for “Elaboration of environmental assessment reports for INTERREG - IPA CB cooperation programmes 2021 – 2027 between the Republic of Bulgaria and respectively the Republic of North Macedonia, Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Turkey and for Cross-border Strategies for Integrated Territorial Development to be financed under the INTERREG - IPA CB cooperation programmes 2021 – 2027 between the Republic of Bulgaria and respectively the Republic of North Macedonia, Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Turkey"


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