
Management Information Systems (MIS) and Beneficiaries Portals (BP)


Dear users and beneficiaries,

The Management Information Systems (MIS) and Beneficiaries Portals (BP) will not be available temporary due to technical maintenance and implementation of software upgrades and updates. We expect the system to be back online with estimated time 19th of August 2021.

Invitation for participation in public consultations on a draft Territorial Strategy for Integrated Measures under the Cross-border cooperation Programme between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Turkey for the programming period 2021-2027.


The Territorial Cooperation Management Directorate, in its capacity as the Managing Authority of the INTERREG - IPA CBC Programme Republic of Bulgaria - Republic of Turkey 2021-2027, launched public consultations on the draft Territorial Strategy for Integrated Measures.

The Programme will be funded under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance - IPA III - as key priorities, funding of joint cross-border projects under the priorities "Environmentally-friendly cross-border region", "More secure cross-border region" and "Integrated development of the cross-border region".

Presentations of the Project Implementation Training for the Turkish Beneficiaries under Third Call for Proposals


Presentations of the Project Implementation Training for the Turkish Beneficiaries under Third Call for Proposals

An online Project Implementation Training was provided to Turkish project partners in the Strategic Project contracted under the Third Call on 22 October 2020. Presentations delivered during the training can be found below.

Information on changing the address of the Registration Office of the Territorial Cooperation Management Directorate, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works of the Republic of Bulgaria


Dear beneficiaries,

We would like to inform you that as of 05.10.2020 all documents to the Managing Authority of the CBC Programmes should be submitted in the Registration Office of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works on address: Sofia, 1202, 17-19 "Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii" Str.

Information on changing the address of the Registration Office of the TCM Directorate


Dear beneficiaries,

We would like to inform you that as of 05.10.2020 (Monday) all documents to the Managing Authority of the CBC Programmes should be submitted in the Registration Office of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works on address: Sofia, 1202, 17-19 "Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii" Str.

Presentations regarding the Online Project Implementation Training for the Turkish Beneficiaries


An online Project Implementation Training was provided to the beneficiaries who already signed award contracts and the beneficiaries who are invited to sign the award contracts under the Second Call for Proposals on 16-17 September 2020. Presentations delivered during the training can be found below.



Second Project Implementation Training for Second Call for Proposals-Edirne


Project Implementation Training for the beneficiaries who already signed award contracts and the beneficiaries who are invited to sign the award contracts under the Second Call for Proposals of Interreg-IPA Bulgaria-Turkey Cross Border Cooperation Programme, will be organized remotely through an online platform, on 16-17 September 2020 as two seperate sessions between the hours of 09.30-13.00 with the collaboration of Directorate General for Financial Cooperation and Project Implementation under Directorate of EU Affairs of Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Turkey (National Authority) and Edir


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