CANCELLATION of tender procedure for “Supply of bicycles” within project CB005.2.21.080 “Cycling routes in Kirklareli and Tsarevo”, Kirklareli, R. Turkey


Cancellation of tender procedure for “Supply of Bicycle” within project CB005.2.21.080 “Cycling routes in Kirklareli and Tsarevo”, Kirklareli, R. Turkey

Publication reference: CB005.2.21.080-LP-SUPPLY-02

Kırklareli Special Provincial Administration announces Cancellation of Tender Procedure for “Supply of Bicycle”, date of publication 08.11.2021, Programme title-Interreg-IPA СВС Bulgaria -Turkey Programme 2014-2020 within project CB005.2.21.080 “Cycling routes in Kirklareli and Tsarevo”

You can find the cancellation notice HERE.

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