CANCELLATION of Supply Tender Procedure for “Delivery of specialized firefighting equipment” within project CB005.2.11.035 „Suloglu and Sozopol–Informed, Trained, Equipped"


Cancellation of Supply tender procedure for “Delivery of specialized firefighting equipment” within project CB005.2.11.035 „Suloglu and Sozopol–Informed, Trained, Equipped“

Publication reference: CB005.2.11.035-5

The Minicipality of Sozopol announces Cancellation of Supply Tender Procedure for “Delivery of specialized firefighting equipment”, Publication reference- CB005.2.11.035-5, date of publication 23.12.2020, Programme title-Interreg-IPA СВС Bulgaria-Turkey Programme 2014-2020 within project CB005.2.11.035 “Suloglu and Sozopol–Informed, Trained, Equipped”.

The cancellation notice is attached below:

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